Friday, November 10, 2006

Star light star bright...

Reading My so-called love life's blog where she shared some of her dreams and asked us to do the same if we were so inclined. I guess I never thought of putting pen to paper and making a top ten list. So, here goes in no particular order...

1. Travel Eastern Europe, Prague specifically
2. Have a conversation with my sisters
3. Learn to let go
4. Work for a non-profit organization
5. Visit Chiang Mai, Thailand
6. Play the violin, well, this is tougher than I thought...
7. Build a home with someone I love, having children ties into this too
8. Invent a board game
9. Publish my book
10. Finish this list... Check!

And, like My so-called asked, what are yours?

1 comment:

Mood Indigo said...

thanks for adding your list and linking :) You are now linked as well (though my formatting is still off so I don't think anyone sees my links at the moment!) Hopefully that will be fixed in a couple posts...