Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I cried over spilt milk

Waking at 4am to my fever breaking and the feeling of shards of glass in my throat wasn't my ideal mid-sleep happening. I fell back to sleep every other half hour and waking each time I needed to swallow. My neck feels like I've been clotheslined by a UFC Champion and my hair hurt when I got into the shower. I hate being sick. I still have a fever.

Whenever I'm sick I am always still hungry. I know, that's weird but anyway, I needed to eat breakfast and take my vitamins so I poured myself a bowl of Special K which I think gets soggy in record time just to piss me off. I mean, I love the stuff but it sogs up like a sponge. I usually eat it pretty quickly. So here I am walking into my bathroom to get my vitamins and sploosh - cereal goes pouring all over my counter, down the front and all over the floor splashing up onto my feet. Shitshitshit. Do I really need this today? Like really. Now I have a decision to make - considering the sog-factor, do I clean it up right now or grab my vitamins and leave it until I'm done? Hating a mess I cleaned it up... quickly. Feeling quite proud of myself that my cereal hasn't reached unbearable sog yet I walk over to the couch where I take my usual seat and watch Canada AM. Sitting down I poured another quarter of my cereal into my lap, all over my pyjama bottoms and onto the couch which dripped slowly onto the floor. Shitty McShitShit shit! I get up to get the coolness of the milk away from my bottom and I dump cereal all over my coffee table and carpet. Tears have formed in my eyes. I'm swearing every mother f-ing thing I can think of. I see milk dripping off the side of my table onto the floor and I scream $%@# it! I take off my pyjama bottoms with my one free hand and stand bare-bummed wearing nothing but a tank top eating my breakfast watching the news.

I love my life.


S'Mat said...

woah, your hair actually hurt you? gosh. mine only ever really hurts my feelings.

cereal is great! i tend to prefer a very dense cereal because 1) it tends to be more sog resistant and 2) i ALWAYS spill milk on my jammys, but i can't stand losing even a morsel of cereal. i've only ever known one bowl to be completely spill resistant. my mum gave it to the dog.

S'Mat said...

ps. hope you feel better today!

MontrealGurl said...

Thomas - the dog bowl comment cracked me up cuz it's soo true. And thanks for the well wishes on me feeling better... I actually am after just one super dose of antibiotics. Hey, what's the link to your blog?

And Heather, this morning I had toast. Thanks for the suggestion. hehe

Heather said...

Right on, sister. That's the spirit.

S'Mat said...

woah... my profile's not being shown eh... i'll check that out. thanks for the warning...
MG, i'm at and i come to be here via itsallgrey and moodindigo.

enjoy the drugs... ;0